SHC Advice 9831 Vaccination against seasonal flu
In this annual advisory report, the Superior Health Council examines the vaccination strategy against seasonal flu for the upcoming winter season.
Winter season 2024-2025
In this annual advisory report, the Superior Health Council examines the vaccination strategy against seasonal flu for the upcoming winter season. The groups that would benefit from an annual flu shot remain unchanged:
- all persons aged 65 years and over,
- all patients from the age of 6 months suffering from
- an underlying chronic condition of the lungs (including severe asthma), heart (excluding hypertension), liver or kidneys,
- a metabolic disorder (including diabetes),
- a neuromuscular disorder,
- or an immune disorder,
- all persons with a BMI above 40,
- persons residing in an institutional setting,
- all pregnant women,
- children from 6 months to 18 years receiving long-term aspirin therapy,
- all persons living with a child under 6 months or a vulnerable person (cocoon vaccination strategy),
- and all persons working in the health sector, inside and outside healthcare facilities.
In terms of timing, the Superior Health Council also stands by its recommendation to start the campaign from mid-October. A combination shot against COVID-19 is an option.r Health Council also offers a practical fact sheet for healthcare providers that summarises the guidelines.