RSV Prevention in Newborns and Infants

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Dear colleague and healthcare worker,

The protection of babies against the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a matter close to everyone's heart. This webpage, "RSV Prevention in Newborns and Infants," is an outline of the preventive campaign aimed at protecting newborns and young infants from severe RSV infections through immunization with Nirsevimab (Beyfortus™) for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 infection seasons.

The BVK-SBP and the Belgian Academy of Paediatrics (BAoP), under the leadership of Dr. Marc Raes and Prof. Dr. Ann De Guchtenaere, have committed to coordinating, supporting, and monitoring the implementation of the upcoming immunization through an RSV Task Force. This task force comprises various stakeholders and will ensure the success of this initiative.

Responsible and Coordination:

  • Dr. Marc Raes - Project Coordinator and President of the Belgian Society of Pediatrics (BVK-SBP)
  • Prof. Dr. Ann De Guchtenaere - President of the Belgian Academy of Paediatrics (BAoP)

Secretariat, Project Monitoring, and Support:

  • Natacha Meignen
  • Dr. Levi Hoste
  • Jeroen Verlinden

Information for healthcare workersInformation to give to parents

Mother holding newborn baby