
Linking (current and future) Paediatric Care to Paediatric Training • Neonatal Care/ Low variable care • Transmural care • the Paediatric COVID 19 Task Force. Recognition of paediatric sub-specialities.

Linking (current and future) Paediatric Care to Paediatric Training

Linking (current and future) Paediatric Care to Paediatric Training

This Task Force is aiming to redefine the general goals as well as the skills and competencies that are part of the paediatric training, based on previous statements of the European Academy of Paediatrics as well as the current practice in Belgium. The sub-quotas should also be adjusted to this, as well as a proposition to change the law of 1979 describing the criteria for the recognition of paediatricians.

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Neonatal Care / Low variable care

Neonatal Care / Low variable care

First point of action of this Task Force is to continue the fight against the current law of low variable care since the diagnosis of the baby is not taken into account. The newborn is not regarded as a separate individual who deserves appropriate financing. Second action point is to set up a closer collaboration between neonatologists and paediatricians in the interest of the newborn. Working on national guidelines is a priority .

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Transmural care

Transmural care

Healthcare is changing rapidly and is experiencing a transition to transmural, integrated and quality-driven patient-centered care with more focus on ambulatory follow-up and care in the home environment and a shift from curative to more preventive care. Targeting children and adolescents in this healthcare-transition secures large health benefits on a longer term: growing up to be as healthy and independent adults as possible with maximum health- and development opportunities: a health care system for children that should evolve more to Community Care Paediatrics.

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Paediatric Covid-19 Task Force

Paediatric Covid-19 Task Force

In March 2020 some paediatric infectious disease specialists and presidents of paediatric associations decided to meet virtually every week to get an overview of the challenges and to provide a coordinated response across Belgium. These weekly ZOOM meetings made it possible for Belgian paediatrics to speak with one voice almost throughout this pandemic with clear messages to the authorities and the population.

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Recognition of paediatric subspecialties

Recognition of paediatric subspecialties

This Task-Force wants to finally achieve official recognition of Paediatric subspecialties in Belgium in order to assure: a specific, qualitative approach (“child is not a little adult”) // new techniques and medications become accessible for children // legal texts referring to special competences in paediatricians can be executed

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