The Belgian Academy of Paediatrics holds its promise as a futureproof organisation by incorporating a specific youth department within its ranks. The Young Paediatricians of the Academy feature representation from the existing junior departments of the regional paediatric organisations (VVK, GBPF). In this way, advocacy for “all those feeling young” is guaranteed in the society and across the boundaries of the associations. Similarly, the Young Paediatricians are represented in other (junior) societies, such as yEAP.
The Young Paediatricians of the BAOP specifically strive for transparent, high-quality and future-oriented training in paediatrics, as well as attention for work-life balance and mental well-being during and after specialist training. We watch over fair, relevant and measurable criteria that are set for graduation as well as the recognition as a paediatrician and for the paediatric sub-disciplines.
Traditionally, a joyful junior event is organized at the annual BVK/SBP congress.
We guide our fellow junior paediatricians towards relevant courses (PLS, NLS, EAP core curriculum training), often required for completing their training in paediatrics, and arrange for sponsored participation in certain settings.
as a paediatrician
Getting yourself ready to become a paediatrician and obtain your official recognition, can be a hassle, especially during the challenging years as a trainee. To eliminate these obstacles to a maximum, the Young Paediatricians strive to clarify what is expected by the Paediatric Recognition Commission.
However, the contents of our documentation are for informational purposes only and cannot be accounted for if discussion would arise.
For the most recent information, you should also visit the official (“legally valid”) information on the Health Care Agency websites.